Panel: The Business (and Taxes) of Writing

The Business (and Taxes) of Writing

Monday, January 27
7:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.

(networking follows the program)
Free for IWOSC members
Non-members: $15 

To kick off the new year of 2020, IWOSC/PALA is presenting a program to deal with taxes to give advice on conducting our business as writers and publishers. And this year, California writers have a lot more on their plates than merely planning for their annual appointment with the IRS in April.

In addition to all the usual issues of being a writer or freelance writer in California we’re dealing with the introduction of the controversial “individual mandate” for health insurance for our state and the new Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5) which has the potential to severely curtail and affect freelance writing assignments for California writers.

Panelists (pending final confirmation) will be announced shortly after the New Year, if not earlier. Meanwhile, SAVE THE DATE — and tell a friend!

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