Panel: The Business (and Taxes) of Writing

The Business (and Taxes) of Writing

Monday, January 27
7:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.

(networking follows the program)
Free for IWOSC members
Non-members: $15 

To kick off the new year of 2020, IWOSC/PALA is presenting a program to deal with taxes to give advice on conducting our business as writers and publishers. And this year, California writers have a lot more on their plates than merely planning for their annual appointment with the IRS in April.

In addition to all the usual issues of being a writer or freelance writer in California we’re dealing with the introduction of the controversial “individual mandate” for health insurance for our state and the new Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5) which has the potential to severely curtail and affect freelance writing assignments for California writers.

Panelists (pending final confirmation) will be announced shortly after the New Year, if not earlier. Meanwhile, SAVE THE DATE — and tell a friend!

The Business (and Taxes) of Writing

Monday, January 27, 2020
7:30 to 9:15 p.m. (networking follows the program)
IWOSC members – free
Non-members – $15
Jump down to register

To kick off the new year of 2020, IWOSC/PALA is presenting a program to deal with taxes, starring a top Los Angeles area CPA and an attorney, to give advice on conducting our business as writers and publishers. And this year, California writers have a lot more on their plates than merely planning for their annual appointment with the IRS in April.

On January 1, 2020 the State of California is reviving the controversial Obamacare “individual mandate” for health insurance at the state level — with hefty fines and penalties for people who do not carry coverage on your state income taxes. And most ominously of all, there is the incredibly controversial Assembly Bill 5 or #AB5, which has the potential to severely curtail and affect freelance writing assignments for California writers.

And if you’re wondering if there’s any resource out there, specifically centering on writers and creatives, that can help provide a roadmap through all these changes — fortunately, there is!

Topics will include:

  • “Good Housekeeping” tips for writers — keeping records, mileage and travel calendars/logs (for leases, car payments and insurance), how to prepare for (and protect against) an audit, filing tax returns when your spouse or domestic partner is a salary-drawing “normie” and you’re a freelancer. Helpful software, maximizing write-offs, the notorious “home office” deduction, and more.
  • Do stay-at-home / freelance writers who aren’t LLC/incorporated need to file for a business license?
  • Dealing with the CA Obamacare / “Covered CA” individual mandate and things of that nature when one’s income (often wildly) varies month-to-month, who may and may not qualify for premium subsidies, and tips on applying for home/car loans and apartment rentals and such with an irregular income
  • The #AB5 controversy (natch!)
  • And what do tax accountants and lawyers want their writer and creative clients to know, before it’s too late!

All that and more, with moderated questions from the audience!

(Disclaimer: This is a seminar for useful and general information. IWOSC and the panelists will in no manner shape or form be held legally liable for specific personal/individual cases arising out of the general information given herein. Attendance at the seminar constitutes acknowledgement of that fact.) There WILL however be networking and face time after the program, should you wish to try and retain one of our speakers on a client basis (if their schedules permit.)

Panelists (pending final confirmation) will be announced shortly after the New Year, if not earlier. Meanwhile, SAVE THE DATE — and tell a friend!

Registration info

IWOSC members – free
Non-members – $15
Registration will open as soon as we confirm our panelists for you at the IWOSC site <>