Full-service SELF-PUBLISHING with

WEBINAR with Steven Spatz, President Emeritus of BookBaby

Monday, April 25, 2022
7:00 p.m. Pacific

PALA/IWOSC members: Free
Non-members: $15



Steven Spatz, President Emeritus of BookBaby, will share with his audience of essayists, novelists, editors, book designers, authors of all genres, and self-publishers, information on topics of vital interest to book producers and writers, including:

  • A comprehensive survey of the publishing marketplace geared toward writers and indie publishers
  • Ideas for authors on how to promote your book
  • What types and genres of books sell best
  • How you as a writer should price your book
  • How writers can make their books as irresistible as possible to readers and to booksellers
  • And more!

Additionally, Steven will briefly discuss the wide range of author services provided by BookBaby: eBooks, printed books, print on demand publishing, global distribution of books, direct-to-reader book and ebook sales, cover design, book design and creative services, plus book marketing help. He will also talk about fees and royalties for eBooks and printed books, and BookBaby’s outstanding customer service to writers and publishers.

And we’ll answer as many of your questions as time allows.

BookBaby is the nation’s leading self-publishing services company and the largest eBook retail network that connects your book to readers worldwide.

Whether you’re a first-time indie producer or a publishing veteran, a novelist or photographer, BookBaby can help you publish.  BookBaby has responsive customer service, knowledgeable publishing specialists, and quality book printing. The main advantage to using a service like BookBaby is that it allows you to get the job done simply.

About our Presenter — STEVEN SPATZ

Steven Spatz President of BookBaby

Steven Spatz is a writer, marketer, and the president of BookBaby, the nation’s leading eBook and printed book distributor. Spatz’s professional career has focused on direct-to-consumer products and services.

After his family took over a direct marketing food business, the Pinnacle Orchards catalog received dozens of national awards, and the business grew into one of the nation’s largest gourmet fruit gift businesses.

After the company was sold, Spatz continued his direct marketing career with Fortune 500 companies such as Mattel and Hasbro, working on brands including Matchbox, Hot Wheels, Barbie Collectables, and GI Joe.

Spatz joined AVL Digital in 2004 as Chief Marketing Officer to lead the direct to consumer marketing teams for music industry-leading brands Disc Makers, Oasis and CD Baby.  He was tapped to lead the company’s new publishing division in late 2014.  Under his leadership, BookBaby added book printing, print on demand distribution, cover design and marketing services to supplement its eBook conversion and distribution. BookBaby meets the print and eBook needs of thousands of writers and self-publishing authors around the globe.


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