Print on Demand Options for Publishers
7:00 PM
The introduction of print on demand technology set off the publishing revolution. Now there are many options for publishers who want to use this technology to print and distribute their books. Evaluating these options can be a challenge, however, since many publishers even now are not clear on what print on demand really is, how it works, and what would be the best option for their books. In this teleseminar we’ll look at the three main providers of print on demand services: Amazon’s CreateSpace and Ingram’s Lightning Source and Spark. We’ll cover:
- How print on demand works
- Choosing a print on demand vendor
- Cost comparisons of the top 3 vendors
- Which books are good candidates for print on demand, and which aren’t
- How offset printing can work with print on demand to give you the ultimate flexibility in your publishing
Whether you’re already using print on demand, just thinking about it, or convinced it’s not right for you, you won’t want to miss this presentation by award-winning book designer and blogger Joel Friedlander.
JOEL FRIEDLANDER,(@JFBookman) is an award-winning book designer, a blogger, the author of A Self-Publisher’s Companion: Expert Advice for Authors Who Want to Publish and the recently published The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide. He’s been launching the careers of self-publishers since 1994 and writes, a popular blog on book design, book marketing and the future of the book. Joel is also the founder of the online training course, The Self-Publishing Roadmap and provides predesigned book templates and other tools for authors at BookDesignTemplates.
We will take time for your questions during the phone seminar.
DATE: Tuesday, M:arch 17, 2015.
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Phone seminar. You will be given the phone number and code upon advance reservation.
COST: RESERVATIONS REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT. FREE for PALA members. Please reserve via email to Sharon Goldinger <>; $15.00 for nonmembers, $10 for IWOSC members. Advance admission can be purchased until the day before the program with PayPal on our
QUESTIONS: Sharon Goldinger, Program Chair,, 949-581-6190.
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